Dame Jane's Song

by Alan Manifold

7 August 2000

(to the tune of Sir Joseph's Song -- "When I Was a Lad")

Dame Jane's Song
(to the tune of Sir Joseph's Song - "When I Was A Lad")
by Alan Manifold, 2000/08/07

In the Systems biz, I earned my stripes
Selling GEAC systems to Director types.
I went to work with abundant zeal
And I won a lot of contracts with my slick sales spiel.
[And she won a lot of contracts with her slick sales spiel.]
	My slick sales spiel sounded so sincere
	That now I'm an executive with Elsevier.
	[Her slick sales spiel sounded so sincere
	That now she's an executive with Elsevier.]

I made such a mark ere I was through
I got an offer from Northwestern U.
I made their system seem so chic
That nobody remembered it was an antique
[That nobody remembered, etc.]
	It became so much more chic each year
	That now I'm an executive with Elsevier.
	[It become so much, etc.]

I did so well, Ameritech
Bought NOTIS Systems with a big, fat check.
The couldn't fault my leadership
But they saw fit to reward me with a bright pink slip.
[But they saw fit, etc.]
	That pink slip so helped my career
	That now I'm an executive with Elsevier.
	[That pink slip so, etc.]

'Till with Endeavor I could start
The time for thinking was the nicest part.
I kept a journal and there's no doubt
That's the kind of journal that I know the most about.
[That's the kind of journal, etc.]
	But that little journal brought me so much cheer
	That now I'm an executive with Elsevier.
	[But that little journal, etc.]

Then to Endeavor I said, "yes"
And helped make Voyager a big success
But we wished to move at a faster clip
So I went out looking for a partnership.
[So she went out looking, etc.]
	I had to overcome my fear
	But now I'm an executive with Elsevier.
	[She had to overcome, etc.]

Librarians all, pay careful heed:
Your happiness cannot be guaranteed.
Tales such as mine will ever by told
For as long as companies are bought and sold.
[For as long as, etc.]
	From the publishing biz, though you steer clear,
	You may wind up as executives with Elsevier!
	[From the publishing biz, etc.]