Sizzlin' Rabbit
by Alan Manifold
5 May 1999
(to the tune of Rockin' Robin)
Digital DTD, Digital DTD,
Digital DTD, Digital DTD,
Digital DTD, Digital DTD,
Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet.
It works on your server all day long,
Serving up data, it can't go wrong.
All the reporters on the systems beat
Think Sizzlin' Rabbit is sweet, sweet, sweet.
Chorus: Sizzlin' Rabbit (sweet, sweet, sweet)
Sizzle, Sizzlin' Rabbit (sweet, sugar-sweet)
Yo, Sizzlin' Rabbit, you've really got the sizzle down right!
Every Sirsi user, every Aleph dupe,
Everybody in the Horizon group,
Every single vendor at ALA,
Listen to what Endeavor has to say.
Bridge: The metadata mavens using XML,
Only need to take a look to see it's swell.
It understands TEI and Dublin Core;
It does EAD and so much more.
It works on your server all day long,
Serving up data, it can't go wrong.
All the reporters on the systems beat
Think Sizzlin' Rabbit is sweet, sweet, sweet.